Friday, May 16, 2008

Look Up !

As Christians, we sometimes say we want to be on the mountain.
We don't want to be down in the valley.

The mountain represents a time when we are at our best.
Things are going great, no problems to weigh us down.

But the valley represents a time of being at our lowest.
When we are going through troubles and our problems seem to be insurmountable.

But I got to thinking about the different view we have while in the valley,
versus when we are on the mountain top.

When we are at our lowest in the valley, we feel like we are on the dirt,
beneath the grass and the flowers.
Not even able to see our way out of our troubles.
We feel like everything is TOO BIG !

But all we have to do is LOOK UP !
We can see all the beautiful things God created for us to enjoy.
The flowers reaching for the sunlight. (notice the photo on this page)
The trees raising their branches in praise to God.
The leaves on the trees flowing in the wind.
The clouds floating by, collecting moisture to later provide rain for the earth.
The stars shining in the night.
And the Sun brightly warming the earth below.

The view from the mountain top seems endless.
But remember, almost all of the beauty you are seeing is in the valleys.
While on a mountain top, you cannot see the intricate beauty of a rose.
You have to be down close to the rose to fully enjoy the beauty of a single rose.
When on the mountain, you can see the large expanses below, but not the tiny details.

When we are on the mountain top, we don't usually stay there long.
You'll notice, most mountain tops are not that big.
But valley's can be miles long.
On the mountain, it is often hard to grow plants.
In the valley, plants, flowers, vegetables all grow in abundance.
There is rich soil in the valley.
In the spiritual valley, there is a richness available for us as Christians to grow, if we will be ready and open to God's word.

So, the next time you find yourself in a valley, Look Up !

There is SO much room to grow in the Lord !

There is SO many blessings in store for you !

There are SO many lessons to learn.

The possibilities are endless !

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